
name: Peg
Email: painfulprincess@yahoo.com
Alternate email: dbrpm@frontiernet.net
Movies: White Palace, Mystic River, Outsiders, Shawshank Redemption Good Will Hunting
Music:Wallflowers, Matchbox 20, Rob Thomas, Five For Fighting, The Cure, Billy Joel,Bob Dylan,

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TYTYS WAY In Memory of Tyler
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04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
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©2003-04 Layout made by Blu
@ OfftheWall

Monday, July 26, 2004

Stars On My Skin

Spread out the blanket
spark the candle light
lay back to no worries
and a love filled night

The midnight air
wraps around our body
I slowly kiss your chest
you softly caress me

I feel refreshed
taking away all the blue
leaving the past behind
making love to you

Forgetting all that's wrong
only letting love in
all I feel is your touch
and the stars on my skin

Feels Like The First Time

It's been eight months
I still long for your kiss
my knees still get weak
your lip still spins me to bliss

My body recovers from chills
every time you grasp my hand
butterflies still flutter
when I feel your wedding band

My toes still curl
when you're in me
I still lose my breath
when you clutch me tightly

I shiver at your touch
though time has passed by
It still feels like the first time
when I look into your eye


Demon Damsel

I try to be who
they want me to be
but the demons still find
their way into me

I wake to the day
act like I'm strong
put on this fake smile
the whole day long

I smile through
all snide comment
brush of insult
so badly bent

On the outside
powered and strong
on the inside demons
have steered me wrong

Love Has No Bounds

I want to take this love
nurture it soft and sweet
keep it warm
wrapped in passionate heat

I want it to be everything
all my world consist of
let it be the one
unbeatable and everlasting love

I want to carry this love
hold onto it so tight
the breath my lungs move
everyday and every night

I want this love forever
taste it on my skin
love me deeper than hell
and higher than heaven

Not Mine

Waking up has no point
don't want to stand on two feet
I don't want to hold myself up
or feel my own heartbeat

I don't want to feel the burn
tears will leave on my skin
I don't want my memory to take me
to all the places we'd been

I don't want minutes to pass
without seeing your face
hearing your words tumble
softly held in your embrace

I don't want to face the day
wrapped in burning twine
feeling the emptiness
of knowing you are not mine

Come To Me

Voices are sweaty
love speaks desperation
been way too long
since our flamed sensation

My knees are shaking
avoiding temptation
trying to forget
your pained inflammation

Words turn into pleading
I can't give in to you
Although my beating heart
wants so badly to

Tears aren't held back
we both feel empty
my soul can't resist your words
come to me

Open The Door, I Trust You

Tremored footsteps
hesitant inhale
trying to force down
my pained wail

stand at the door
minutes pass
stumbling over
my scared mass

Hand to the door
a knock I finally lay
nervous energy
forces my sway

The door creeks
tears peek through
let me in baby
I trust you

Written In The Sheets

No words are spoken
no need for wasted air
mouths are lips apart
stuck in our stare

Hands running down
the sweating of our thigh
no need for I'm sorry
we say it in our pleasure cry

Lips pushing into our neck
heavy panting in our ear
no explanation needed
hand clutches have eased our fear

reinforced love splashes our skin
belief swirling in body heat
no verbal word is needed
it's all written in the sheet

Heart Fell Out

Take the words away
I don't want them in my sight
it reminds my love
it's not all right

Push them away
out of my head
make me forget
those syllables said

Remove them from my soul
they're tainted and dirty
help me forget
the pain they caused me

Take them back
forget all they're about
catch me please
my heart fell out

Tippy Toe Out

Laying on the bed
in your naked sweat
rolling over
expectations met

You sway through
clenching hips
shattering thigh
sinking fingertips

Watering mouths
lips on skin
gritting teeth
when you push yourself in

Tumbling body
switch to the top
sweat is so sweet
don't let it stop

Voices hoarse
breathing moan
you softly whisper
don't leave me alone

I pull my shirt over
tippy toe my way through
hoping I can sneak out
while memories flood over you

The Door Slammed

It wasn't the usual stare
you didn't look lovingly at me
Anger written on your face
is all my heart could see

You slammed the file down
chills ran through me
I never seen your heart
so bitter and angry

There was no hidden sign
no pinkie I love you
ran out as fast as you could
after you did what you needed to do

I heard your footsteps
my heart hit the floor
I knew it was over
with the slamming of the door


Talk, dark haired man
that was your first impression to me
I never knew how important
this man would come to be

You walked into unstable ground
didn't bat an eye and pulled up a chair
and whenever life got shaky
you were the first to be there

You were the man, the father
that the man ten years ago gone was supposed to be
when the important stuff occurred
it was you standing right beside me

When my tears wouldn't stop
pain filled every minute of my day
you were there with your word
to try and chase my tears away

Sometimes the only time I laugh
is when your jokes fly into air
and when I feel most loved
is when you go out of your way to care

When pain strikes me
the first place I want to run to
is straight into the warm arms
of a teddy bear hug from you

You loved my children
was a grandfather they could love
you love them like your own
a true testament to what you're made of

You have shown me endless fatherly love
more than the dad who left so long ago
showing this little girl heart
love is stronger than blood flow

You have given me so much more
words could never say
I hope you know I love you
I thank god for you everyday

But the gift I'm most thankful for
Besides your witty teddy bear style
I thank you the most for letting me see
my mom could still smile

Should Be Easier

It seems
there's more to say
but I guess anger
has swept us away

I know my words
left you stinging
I know my actions
left pained bells ringing

I did the best
I thought I could do
my intention was proof
how deep I love you

We walk separate way
sorry to see it disappear
my head knows I did right
my heart still wants you here


Do you need more
or is the want enough
want it handed to you
when hills get too rough

don't want to fight
holding on for your soul
is knowing you gave up
gonna make you feel whole

You walked out
when needed in highest cost
now we sit speechless
dwelling on what we lost

Sit and look out the window
do you feel good
think about all we had
all that we still should


Laying softly
no words at all
no discussion
of our impending fall

Only whispers
soft I love you
no explanation
of what we'll do

Staring at the stars
quiet in sound
no attempt
to put our feet on the ground

Holding still
don't let the moment fly
no sad syllable
saying good-bye

Dark Hallway
(Without You)

It's a lonely hallway
I walk in hopes of seeing you
but it's dark and lonely
no sign of you

Tears start to fall
I try to hold them in
but thinking it's the last I'll see you
I soak my scared skin

I want to pretend
love doesn't exist
but my heart longs
for this to all be fixed

End of the hallway
I turn around to air
I was hoping the climax
would find you standing there

Can't Say A Word

Step on the elevator
there you stand
I want so much
to grab your hand

He steps in between
distorting our view
wish I could erase him
leave just me and you

I can feel my eyes on you
sadness jumps onto my skin
anger seems to have dulled
pain has taken its place within

Elevator stops
you walk by
we leave seeing the pain
in each other's eye

Use Me

We use each other
for a hand to hold
no love lasting
no growing old

It's fitting
we're dating, it's fine
I'm not yours
you're not mine

It serves a purpose
different to each
we'll be done with us
when set goals we will reach

No passion or I love you
just need them to know
no promises of forever
just our own side show

Remind Me Why

I wish you were here
standing next to me
take in your cologne
my breath taken away from me

I wish I could see you
see a smile on your face again
take joy in knowing
the happiness you are swarmed in

I wish I could feel you
hold onto your soft hand
get tingles inside
when you twirl my wedding band

I wish you were here
I'm bleeding lonely
I did what was right
someone remind me

Our Attack

Grab hold
hang on tight
prepare for a long
and stormy night

Tempers will flare
accusation thrown
we'll see no trace
of love once known

You'll lash out at me
I'll sling insult back
we'll leave angry
cry over the attack

Fist are tired
tongues are soar
when will we learn
and not go back for more

Our Star

We walk out the door
go our separate way
wish we had taken the time
we were given today

We take different road
off to our separate home
sit alone with our misery
our hearts having to roam

We dwell on each other
though we're miles apart
our words of love can't be heard
we sink alone into each other's heart

We're not holding hands
we feel so close but yet so far
our only bond tonight
is we're under the same star

| Peg Kay \\ 7/26/2004 |


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Close My Eyelids

Footsteps in the background
not in rhythm with mine
Pick up the pace
trying to stay in lighted line

I can hear them faster
I'm mile from destination
There is no safe shelter
just a sick sensation

I know it is coming
or my fear has told me so
I try to move my feet faster
but now they are refusing to go

I can see the street light
shining down upon me
will it be enough to warrant
the saving of little me

It suddenly goes dark
I can only see the lid of my eye
Hoping with no sight
it wont hurt so much to die

Pressure all around me
piercing pain on my skin
I can't move my body
from the shock I'm rolling in

I try to push away
break away from his grip
try to forget the feel
of his disgusting dirty lip

I can feel the blood run down
onto my heavy breathing chest
the pain seems to have dulled
adrenaline taking care of the rest

My screams seem silent
nobody seems to hear
the only thing I can feel
is the knife and overwhelming fear

I can hear his words
piercing through the life of me
screaming loud and belligerent
there's no way I'll ever see safety

His syllables are cruel
they send cold chill through my spine
I run across every piece of life
everything I loved and called mine

My pained ears are ringing
his words are fierce and cold
My hands are flailing and dangling
nothing I can find to hold

I reach for anything
anything to try and fight
my eye lids are stuck
but I can still feel the street light

Another pierce to my skin
he isn't giving up on me
I say my silent good-byes
making him go crazy

Another strike of the knife
blood streams down on me
I know that this is it
please god just heal my baby

A knock on the head
my body falls to the ground
I'm too scared to open my eyes
until I hear safety finally sound

Open my lid to see
an angel in disguise
I can't make out the face
tears cloud my scared eyes

People rush up on us
I see my angel run away
I still don't know his presence
I hope to thank him one day

I can hear the screaming go on
I have no idea what or where to go to
I look through the gathering crowd
and then I seen the fear in you

I can feel your arms around me
I know that now I'm okay
You are going to sweep me up
and from this pain take me away

I can feel your hand on my neck
trying to hold the blood in
I forget the trauma unfolding
just warm in the arms I'm in

I close my lids again
it's easier than facing the fear
and whenever it comes out
I can't fight back my scared tear

So my heart and mind is coping
by pretending it isn't there
I try to play it off and forget
saying life just isn't fair

I know my denial will hurt me
it will haunt me until it's faced
but the fear just overwhelms me
and now it's unfairly placed

So let me have my denial
keep me away from reminding word
empty my mind and heart
pretend nothing was heard

I will close my eye lid
crawl into my soul and hide
it makes it easier
to silently die inside

Bring Him Health

There is the rain
falling on my head
telling me to give in
just put myself to bed

I need to keep going
my child needs me so
but my body is so tired
theres nowhere else I can go

I want to forget
the pain we feel each day
I want to wake up happy
put all the pain away

I want to hold my baby
see skin not so red
change his little diaper
without fear or dread

I want to look at him
treasure him in every way
not worry that I'm too close
or that he could be lost today

I dont ask for much
material is not the thing for me
I just want to pray to you
can you give health to my baby

His Place

When you love
your all alone
you can run
but it'll still be known

You can hide away
hide away
but the pain
the pain will stay

all I want
is him healthy
it's not much ro ask
can't you see

I want to hold
without fear
I want know
hell always be here

I've grown attached
hes a part of me
I'm so scared
please set him free

Free of the pain
that rid his body
let him play
like every other baby

They say it will be worth it
will he be here to prove it
if I know he'll be ok
I wont give up so easy and quit

I'm so scared
dont take him away
I know he has a place
if you just let him stay

| Peg Kay \\ 7/13/2004 |


Love Looks Good On You~~ A song written by Peg Kay and Jack Roper
You'd walk around
swimming in a frown
heart torn apart
nowhere to go but down
I'd see your face
tears flowing free
you'd hide in your heart
hurt came too easily
No one could get in
not even me
I tried my damnedest
but you wouldn't let it be
You were the get around
flirting with every girl in town
refused a second time
love only took you down
I'd see your heart
not feeling a beat
rushed the crowds
in a passionate heat
You didn't want love
you were much to young
but that was before
this song was sung
Didn't want love, but I got some
now there's a heart we want to run to
I can see it in your face
love looks good on you
You walked in the door
smile on your skin
it can now be forgotten
where your heart had previously been
You walked hand in hand
piled up the day
hurt at the thought
she could be taken away
We didn't want to love
what did we do before
before love filled our heart
we don't want to roam anymore
Smiles on our face, ready to soar
the feelings strong and true
you never looked better
love looks good on you
love looks good on you....
I Wont Lose Myself
You want to reach me
go on and grab me
I'll let you hold on
just don't try to change me
You want to hold me
wrap me in your arm
squeeze me tight
but don't dull my charm
You want to kiss
tangle our lip
clinch my skin forever
don't make me lose my grip
You want to take me
let our love grow
I'll take the ride with you
don't leave the girl I used to know
Safety Net
Standing in the middle
twenty thousand feet
taking it all in
I feel the skip of my heart beat
I feel so small
in this new world
am I going to drown
in the empty space hurled
When my screams
lay their echo
will they be dead air
or have a place to go
When I cry
will he hear
my soft sobs
my lonely tear
Will I be lost
could I be found
will we be so far in the clouds
too far from solid ground
I want stable ground
I think it's found for me
if I trip and fall
is there a safety net for me
Getting Old
Will you catch me
if I fall
will you lift me up
when I feel so small
Will you hold me
when the new wears away
will you cure my blues
after many traveled day
Will you still bring breakfast
when I'm lazy in bed
after five years
many heated words said
Will you still kiss
strong and passionately
years have let me go
will you still love me
In The Night I Don't Belong
Not so sure
shaky in the knees
praying silently
don't make me a fool please
Surrounded in wealth
starch shirt walking by
my poor status
blaring in their eye
Pupils staring in disgust
whispers in the room flare
I try to ignore
I can't say I don't care
I soak in the glares
like I've done something wrong
I suffer through the torture
in the night I don't belong
Marble Floor
Everywhere I turn
there isn't me
fancy leather coach
I don't sit on money
I need a map
to get to the second floor
please tell me how
to open this Victorian door
The lamp in the den
is more than a year's salary
a light is a light
or at least it is to me
I take a look around
standing on marble floor
everything around me
is everything I don't stand for
In Love
See my heart
in full blare
see my scars
open and bare
See my skin
ripped and tattered
see my past face
wide and battered
See my soul
open to see
see the fear
love has given me
See my love
out for all to see
don't take for granted
trust spared by me
In Living Fantasy
You loved me
locked me away
left me to ponder
the passing of the day
Gave me all I wanted
or I thought so
showed me new life
higher places to go
You held me tight
sheltered my tear
nothing felt worthwhile
without fighting fear
You pulled me close
said I'll never feel pain again
this isn't real life
it's a fantasy I'm living in
Everything I Want No More
I wanted more
bigger house to live in
fancy cars to drive
no debt to swim in
Big grass filled yard
for the many kid to play
fancy dinner parties
to cap off the relaxing day
No worrying about money
time could be wasted away
I wouldn't need to work
I could piss the day away
Nannies to live in
take responsibility away
no more fixing dinners
the maid could slave away
The house is huge
but hollow and empty
I don't drive the car
the car drives me
The yard isn't fun
when I'm not there to see them play
heels have blistered my feet
party dresses just get put away
I never see my kids
the only smile to my face
I don't want stuffed crab
to take hamburger helper's place
I thought I wanted more
but more made me feel empty
I had the riches the whole time
right in front of me
The words come out
I feel the rush of regret
overwhelming expectations
that cannot be met
Toss over syllables
making a fool of me
why can't I shut up
just let conversation be
I have nothing to offer
nothing of substance
the words fall out
speaking nothing but nonsense
I spit gibberish
show my stupidity
watch as they laugh
I cry over my insecurity

Stay Dark Forever

Look at the stars
wrap around me
tuck my heart in
to warmth and safety

Hold me under the moon
tell me you love me
help push out the pain
of days I spent lonely

Sway with me
until the song is done
make me feel like
I'm the only one

Kiss me all night
never let me go
if the morning comes
we don't want to know


I can feel the water rushing
falling all over our body
our hair dripping wet
your lips splashing against me

Water drops slide down
splash against our face
the rushing water swarms us
tightening our held embrace

I can hear the slashing of the water
in tune with our tongue and lip
water seeping in our tangled bodies
our hands lock into passionate grip

I can hear the crash of water
as you crash your thrust into me
the world is our stranger
there's no apprehension or insecurity

We wrap our bodies around
water falls between our toe
our bodies form a rhythm
in harmony with the water flow

The thrashing of the water
covers up my pleasure filled call
wet skin against wet skin
making love under the waterfall

Waiting For You

It's been two days
since I seen your face
it feels like years
since I was in your embrace

I look out the window
longing for you
I feel empty
knowing I can't run to you

I watch the clock tick
wishing hours flew by
tissues surrounds me
from drying my eye

Time can't pass soon enough
what am I to do
There's only me and time
sitting and waiting for you

You Made Me Forget

You make me forget
pain I carried for years
you are the sand bag
to my flood of tears

You are my sunshine
to my dull and dreary day
you are the wind
that swept my heart away

You are the one liner
that makes me laugh through trauma
The calming voice
through constant drama

You are the smile
my face shines everyday
You are the love
that took my unhappiness away

Time To Move On

I thought about you today
it had been a little while
but instead of my usual tears
I found myself with a soft smile

I visited you for awhile
thought of all our memory
the normal hysteria I had faced
has today skipped over me

The traumatic pictures were there
but slipped away quickly
replaced by your smiling word
and the love you had given me

Your memory is still with me
the horrible pictures will never be gone
but I have found that special someone
who makes me want to move on

Dreams Of You

I wait for you patiently
wrapped in soft skin and lace
I want to feel your passion
running down my teared face

You'll wrap me in your arms
smash together cheek to cheek
kisses will fall on my neck
passion in my veins will make me weak

You'll slowly remove my layer
leaving me bare to your skin
wrapping me in your flesh
until now, a place I had never been

My eyes suddenly jolt awake
you are not standing there
no lace or touch of your skin
I'm only wrapped in silent air

Still Alone

Laying in bed cold
without you here to touch
can't make myself eat
don't sleep too much

My eyes are open
what's the point today
you're not here
to take my pain away

Why get dressed
no one to impress
no make up for me
leave my hair a mess

There's no reason
to follow the day through
it just seems so empty
when I can't share it with you

Enough Is Enough

I'm sorry
I gave up
here's your tools
your Nascar cup

I'm sorry
I gave in
here's your razor
the case it came in

I'm sorry
for my weakness
here's the keys
I wont let you take less

I'm sorry
take all your stuff
we're filled with hurt
it's time to say enough

Stay Or Go

Do I stay
or just let it go
there seems no point
none that I know

Times changed
you did too
I don't really know
the real you

I'm the same
always have been
but with you now
I don't know where I'm standin

I can't change this
why even try
are they right
should I say good-bye

Times They Are A Changing

Would I still be a friend
if I got up and walked away
I would be doing it for the best
we'll never get back our glory day

People change and grow
never really had anything in common
do we really gain from this
or what had ever been

Are we hanging on
to something that wasn't there
we both needed something
to show us we could still care

Now we have what we need
both in very different way
we'll realize we don't need each other
if we walk on, we'll be okay

Dear Friend

It's the same face
different word from your lip
I don't understand this
your morals fell from your grip

Don't get me wrong
I'm not judging you
you seemed to want more
guess it fell through

Times were lonely
needed something to hang onto
but now bad fortune
is pointing its finger at you

It's your life
be what you want to be
but I wont watch self destruction
fall in front of me

Don't You Cry Forever

Don't cry
I'm here baby
it's all okay
we'll soon be free

Don't you cry
we're almost there
see my trust
believe in my stare

Don't cry
it's you and me
this uncertainty
will soon be a memory

Don't you cry
we'll soon be together
hang on to me
soon it will be forever

Peace In Me Is You

Somewhere past the madness
there is peace for me
waiting for my arrival
I would run impatiently

I've seen it in the distance
once or twice before
I never had it in my hand
never felt it in my body core

I never thought I'd find it
so I stopped and didn't try
but then it fell before me
when I looked into your eye

I have my shelter
my safe place to run to
there is peace in my soul
and it is because of you

You Could, If You Wanted

I'm open
vulnerable to you
take advantage
if you want to

I love you
there it's said
abuse it
take my bed

I want you
feel so high
another notch
so you can say good-bye

I need you
I let you in
add me to your list of
where you've been


I feel weakened
and clearly exposed
you opened my heart
that was purposely closed

I'm a little scared
not used to this
denial and brick walls
were such sweet bliss

I'm open
you can hurt me now
you crept in slowly
yet I don't know how

I'm in love
you walked right in
now I'm closing the door
you are now trapped in

Simply Love Me

You hold me when I cry
shelter my teary storm
you see my lips shiver
you rush to keep me warm

You tuck me in at night
makes sure I'm sleeping safely
any sudden movement or noise
you turn to cuddle me

You lay your encouraging word
when my heart feels the fear
when my hands start shaking
you pull my body near

You touch my hand softly
chasing away my insecurity
and when I start to waiver
you simply say you love me


Show me the way
to a land of no hurt
because I'm drowning
in my tear soaked shirt

Lead me to dry land
where soil is pain free
I want to feel peaceful grass
beneath the feet of me

Walk me to water
let me shower in tranquillity
hang out the pain
let peace drip onto me

Guide me to fairy tale
where hurt is never in display
let me live in fantasy
take all this hurt away

I Want Forever

Show me love
when you hold my hand
hand me forever
with our wedding band

Show me love
when you caress my face
promise forever
in your embrace

Show me love
when we kiss
show me forever
in our body bliss

Show me love
when you gaze into my eye
give me forever
never say good-bye

Come To Me Tonight

I can't put into words
how you make me feel
that's how I know
our love is real

No words can describe
the way I love you
how I think of you every minute
can't stand to be away from you

There are no syllables
to express my deep desire
the constant want and need
for your touch of fire

There is no rhyme
to express my deep love for you
come to me tonight
let me show you

There Was No You

No peeking in
no word of hello
no smiling face
before I have to go

Didn't hear your voice
no secret pinky swear
it just wasn't the same
with you not there

No stolen touches
no meeting of our eyes
no secret rendezvous
or I love you's in disguise

Time seem to stand still
nothing to look forward to
the day dragged on forever
because I didn't have you

Baby, Call Me

I need a word
something to hold onto
give me just a piece
to help me get through

Ring my phone
say you're okay
tell me you're fine
you're just busy today

Leave me a message
no matter what you say
I don't care the words
just keep my fear at bay

Reach out to me
we don't have to talk deep
my heart is scared
stop my feared weep

Barely Breathing

My head is full
only visions of you
my heart hurts
six more days to go through

My eyes are dreary
you're nowhere in sight
too many hours to go
I see no shining light

My skin is bare
no touch has been laid upon
and the taste of your kisses
have long since been gone

My heart is heavy
beating sad and lonely
I wont breathe again
until you are here with me

Words Don't Describe

They say love
can't be expressed in word
they say it's true
or so I have heard

Never believed it
I thought it would pour from me
but now that love has struck
I have to say I agree

The love is in me
I know it to be true
my heart has fallen
madly in love with you

They say words
can't truly explain how you feel
if the syllables don't come
than you know love is real

Find Your Way To Me

Hold me close and tightly
whisper sweet nothings in my ear
I try to feel your breath
to make me believe you're here

Place your hand on me
caress my heated skin
whatever it takes to make me believe
the dream I'm standing in

Kiss my shivering lip
let me smother your taste
stay glued for minutes
don't let the fantasy go to waste

Make passionate love to me
crash into my trembling body
make this fantasy become real
find your way back to me

Treasured Night

We sat huddled together
lit by the moonlight
made love under the stars
then talked the whole night

We picked out a star
placed our name on it
swore on the midnight blue
that tonight we'd never forget

We laid upon our chest
listen to each other's heartbeat
started to shiver in morning dew
we covered each other in body heat

We gazed at each other
in the morning light
said our I love you's
holding on to our treasured night

Empty World

I'd wake up
nothing to do
no sweet smiles
there's no you

Walk out the door
no hand to hold
sit alone on the porch
no I love you told

I'd walk lonely
down dark pathway
nothing to see
no point today

I'd go to bed alone
no hot bodies hurled
without you
it's an empty world

No Life

The world is colorless
when I'm without you
there's no spark
no magic to hold onto

The trees are dead
no leaves falling on my skin
without you here
there's no shade to stand in

The flowers are wilted
bent over as I walk by slowly
without your hand in mine
there's no beauty to see

There's no sun in the sky
the light is dim and blue
life is plain and dark
when I'm not standing with you

Hide Out

Weary days
pass me by
pile the hours
as I cry

I sit alone
waiting for you
loneliness fights
its way through

Heart beats faster
my anger grows
I'm in pain
no one knows

Sad and weak
nowhere to go
my heart is aching
I can't even let it show

Keep It On The Low

Be quiet
keep it low
my heart
can't let them know

Hold tears
keep them in
pretend the heat
isn't from his skin

Keep calm
keep up cheer
pretend it don't matter
if he is here

Play cool
keep a smile
play the charade
forget I love him for awhile

Angel In Disguise

I'm an angel
just a few naughty things
mend my devilish heart
fix my broken wings

I'm a princess
be my loving prince bond
help prevent me from
abusing my magic wand

I'm a sweetheart
love me true
keep me from breaking
the heart in you

I'm a saint
I do everything right
help keep the impure thoughts
from coming true tonight

Still Beating

I seen a picture of you today
I didn't get the sinking in my heart
my eyes didn't start to cry
I wasn't sad we were apart

I looked into your blue eyes
a little smile came to my face
my heart felt good, I fell in love
but no one has taken your place

My heart has plenty of room
many hearts have a spot in mine
I briefly visit times I thought I would die
but I fought hard and now I'm fine

I put your picture away
tucked it away safe and neat
I once thought I'd never breathe again
years gone by, I still feel my heart beat

What I Want To Do

There's nothing I'd rather do
than stay home home with you
sit by the fire
kindle our burning desire

There's nothing I'd rather do
than be in the arms of you
wrapped in love lust
hearing your words of trust

There's nothing I'd rather do
than be made love to by you
feeling passion erupt inside
passionate tears being cried

There's nothing I'd rather do
than be loved by you
safely wrapped in your skin
with something to believe in

Our Reason

You held me up
when I wanted to fall
jump started my heart
when it wanted to stall

You lit the candle
when I seen no light
you supplied the embrace
when I was alone at night

You gave me strength
when I wanted to quit
You took me away
when I just wanted to forget

You supplied the love
that helped me pull through
you gave me new reason
and the reason is you

The Flaw

I put myself in a hole
hiding away from reality
too afraid to peek out
and let someone see me

I curled into myself
self preservation the key
no one could hate
if they didn't know me

There was a flaw in my plan
something I didn't prepare for
and little by little my heart
couldn't hide itself anymore

I was forced out of my hole
I finally felt safe enough to
I was able to show the real me
to the beating heart in you

| Peg Kay \\ 7/13/2004 |


Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Underneath You

One more thought
it's all I need
to secure my walk
to selfishness and greed

One more touch
before I come into you
walk forbidden path
letting fidelity fall through

One more word
coming from your lip
I'm about to give in
fall to your grip

One more taste
there's nowhere else to run to
I'm down for the count
underneath you

Drunk On Pain

Fill me up
pass me a drink
watch the bubbles
see me sink

Step up
see my downfall
no one to save me
there's no one left to call

Pass another
drown my sorrow
whatever it takes
to dampen tomorrow

Cut me off
I still wont go dry
too many tears
flooding from my eyes

Lust On A Limb

let me drift away
into your soul
when you're in me
it's the only time I feel whole

I want to fall
peacefully into you
we'll always be one
no one else to go through

I want to crash
forcefully into you
be jammed together forever
nowhere else to go to

I want to be wrapped
tightly in your skin
so I never have to leave you
I just want to give in


I'm standing on a cloud
arms stretched wide
feeling the air
trickling inside

I bend my toes
trying to keep my grip
fighting the urge
to fall into your lip

My body starts to lean
I can't hold on anymore
I'm about to let go
what am I holding on for

I let my guard drop
push myself and soar
falling into you
I can't fight it anymore

Damn The Distance

The week may be long
our bodies feel the absence
sometimes the reasons
don't make any sense

Nights are sad and lonely
depending on our dream
to help us until tomorrow
when love will be busting at the seam

It seems like forever
when we're miles apart
Time stands still
but ticking away at our heart

Damn the distance between
it's only miles there
nothing can come between us
we're only separated by air

Midnight Blues

Reaching out
grasping for you
trying to feel
your midnight blue

Wanting to run
into your embrace
waiting to feel
the structure of your face

Close my eyes
thinking hard for you
trying to imagine
vulnerability in you

Fall into sleep
dream on our lonely
hoping it feels so real
bringing you next to me

You Dont Know

Your words sear through me
bet you dont know that at all
your condensending tone
makes me feel so small

I need your approval
why? it is unknown to me
I wish I could ignore you
not see the things I see

You probably dont know
but I study every word you say
trying to read into your words
so I can learn to be that way

I want your personal thought
I reach for it everyday
for some reason I care what you think
I wish I didn't feel that way

Keep My Heart Still

I'm traveling the miles
thinking of you constantly
following the yellow line
wish it was you driving me

Dark clouds are in the sky
it is how I'm feeling inside
wishing I could address you
wishing we didn't have to hide

The dotted line blurs
falling into my thought
hopeing I have the strength
not to give in and get caught

I lean my lonely face
softly against the window
I hope I can keep my heart still
so my love for you don't show

Smile My Pain Away

One smile of yours
is all I need
to forget the work
forget my greed

Your chubby cheeks
little button nose
and my tired heart
enthusiastically grows

Your eyes light up
squish to little slit
the pain that is inside
I soon just forget

One little smile from you
all my pain washes away
please precious baby
Keep on smiling today

I Can't Stand You

I look into your eyes
I see your irritibility
you want to look away
but you're forced to look at me

I see your eyes shifting
anything to deny the situation
and when out eyes meet
you can see boiling frustration

As the time rolls by
the act can't go on
and we both count the minutes
until we both can be gone

I can't stand the thought of you
we are both to blame
but the though that bothers me most
is you probably feel the same

Deaf Ears

Jump in
with both feet
don't let their words
mean your defeat

Plant your feet
next to mine
grab my hand
we'll be fine

Shut your ears
to outside word
the beating of our hearts
is all to be heard

Open your heart
close your mind
walk with me
leave their words behind

I Was Here, Now, I'm There

Take your time
take a look around
see my face
see what you found

Step for a moment
take in what you see
I was here the whole time
why are you just seeing me

Hold on for a minute
feel what you lost
so wrapped in yourself
see what it cost

Hang on for awhile
because all you have is this memory
someone seen what you had
now they have me

Will It Ever End?

The clock ticks
hours go by
hospital floors
catch my cry

Minutes pass
hours to go
is it helping
they don't know

People walk past
many come and gone
we're still here
trudging on

Another day down
endless days left to explore
how long before hearts and minds
can't take this anymore

I'll Be Strong Tonite

Lay your head down
let me stroke your hair
let me fill you with love
promises I'll throw into air

Close your eyes
You can only hear my word
let the butterflies in your stomach
be jolted and stirred

Put your hand in mine
feel love from my fingertip
hold on with all your might
as your forehead meets my lip

Wrap your grip around me
hold on so tight
let me be the one
who takes care of you tonight

Standing On Air

One more step
we're almost there
ready to jump
without fear or care

We take a look down
see how far we can fall
still inching closer
not wanting to care at all

You grab my hand
squeeze onto it tight
we could turn back
but this just feels right

I return your squeeze
locked into each other's stare
we step off the edge
love is standing on air

Don't Give Up

Hold me
tease me
Don't ever
leave me

Hold tight
don't fight
feels right
all night

Stay here
no fear
we're near
no tear

To Feel You

One whole day
with only the peek of your face
no midnight rendezvous
no warm embrace

No words will be spoken
our hearts roaming lonely
I don't know how to breathe
without the air from you

Half way through the day
I can't take it anymore
I need to feel your skin
feel you touch my body core

I long for you deeply
one day is too much
take this pain away
I need to feel your touch

I Ask For Your Support

Take me away
away from all the pain
let me feel hope
instead of body drain

Pull me up
I want to fall
I'm weak in the knees
you're all I have to call

Build me up
support my structure
temporarily patch
my heart puncture

Sweep me away
into your arms of steel
hold me with your love
until my body can heal

Daydream Believer

I close my eyes
try to imagine you there
pretending I'm falling
into your stare

I take a deep breath
I can almost feel you
my heart beats faster
I picture myself running to you

I push out the noise
try to concentrate on you
longing for your touch
anything to get me through

I sink into day dream
I see you standing in front of me
Now I can breathe
my heart beats easy

I Found You

I've waited forever
daydreamed about the day
feared once I got it
it would be taken away

I wanted it all
love, support, and happiness
I knew it was a tall order
but I wanted nothing less

It was my way of protection
you can't hurt if you don't love
feeling safe that no one fit the order
at least no one I heard of

My way of denial
carried me through many years
saved me much heartache
prevented rivers of tears

Then there was you
I couldn't pretend anymore
my heart found love
couldn't find a reason to shut the door

You made my heart see
it was okay to love
let my soul be open
show what it is made of

You made me feel safe
you would never do me harm
you sheltered feared tears
held me warmly in your arm

You made me see I can love
and be loved back too
I didn't feel anything
until I let myself love you

The Non-Believers

Hold me tight
don't let me go
all that pain
I don't want to know

Keep it at a distance
don't bring it anywhere near
I can't pretend forever
that I don't need you here

Don't say the word
I don't need to hear
don't build up the hurt
or undying fear

Step to my door
pretend it is okay
I found my true love
don't take it away

My Open Book

There is mor than what you see
when you take a look inside
don't be afraid to open it
there's allot more hard covers hide

Take time, open it slow
see all the material to read
it wont be too long
before you know what's in need

Take a little time
see I'm something more
don't put it down
I'm worth reading for

Turn through each page
study each and every line
try to understand
this open book of mine

| Peg Kay \\ 7/07/2004 |


Monday, July 05, 2004

Will It Matter

Daddy's yellin
Momma's cryin
brother's ran off again
sissy's dyin
they say it gets better
will it even matter

Failin school
no money to move on
guess I'll say yes
now that chances are gone
they say it gets better
will it even matter

Livin on nothing
bun in the oven
hubby gone again
dwellin on the mess I'm in
they say it gets better
will it even matter

Three kids and survivin
feeling alone and cryin
struggling through the day
trying not to give in
waiting for it to get better
dont think it will ever matter

| Peg Kay \\ 7/05/2004 |


Sunday, July 04, 2004

The Little Things
(Dear Brad)

You run five mile
I sit and eat
but somehow in the middle
we always seem to meet

You eat fancy fish
I eat a burrito each day
we always eat together
somehow we find a way

You wear a shirt and tie
pajama pants and a T-shirt for me
but they all come off the same
as we have come to see

You drive a fancy car
dollars for you equal miles on mine
but they both get us to each other
so it suits us just fine

One room in your house
is the size of my little humble home
but as long as we're together
it doesn't matter where we roam

You're quiet and reserved
I'm emotional and open
but we always seem to blend
no matter the mood swing we're in

You don't like my rock music
country is depressing to me
but the radio is always on
and we seem nothing but happy

You like to chase golf balls
I would choose baseball any day
We both accuse the other of boredom
but we sit and watch anyway

You are by the book
I like to swing it
we still get things done
not knowing how we just do it

We have so many differences
or so it says on paper
but our hearts love each other
so I guess it doesn't matter

There are many differences
but small in comparison
all of it seems so insignificant
compared to the love we're in

The Way You Love Me

They can't begin to know
how we really feel
this isn't a rendezvous
this love is real

It is not the trauma
that brought us to here
it is not the drama
or the undying fear

It is not the excitement
of having something new
it is not the fantasy
that draws me to you

It is the way
you hold my hand
and when I cry
you always understand

It's the way
you speak to me true
and when you say
there's nothing I can't do

It's the way
you hold me tight
when my words keep saying
I wont make it through tonight

It is the way
you tell me I can do it
the way you lift me up
when all I want to do is quit

It is the way
you always make me happy
you make me smile
it's the way you love me


It's a feeling we couldn't resist
it's a feeling we both miss
but time has brought us back to here
back to the loneliness and fear

It's a touch we had never felt
a touch like nothing else
now we're stuck in limbo again
fighting feelings burning within

It was words we had never heard
spoken for all they were worth
now we are speechless once more
wondering what they were all for

It was love we'll never see
love that will burn eternally
now pain will fill our every day
the unknown took our chance away

Hold On

hold on
don't let go
don't want know
life without you

hold on
hold on so tight
don't make this be
my mourning night

hold on
don't close your eye
don't give up
don't make me cry

hold on
see the beauty
in waking up
next to me

| Peg Kay \\ 7/04/2004 |


Friday, July 02, 2004

Push And Pull

you'll pull away
i'll beg you stay
you'll tell me no
i'll refuse to go

it's our game
no one to blame
it's what we do
afraid to love you

we push and fight
then make love all night
we hold on tight
afraid it's not right

we come back for more
we know what we're fighting for
we love so strong
how can that be wrong

The Man You Were Yesterday

I'm a little confused
I hurt a little too
I dont understand
the sudden change in you

I know you may think
this is how I want you to be
but the man I knew yesterday
is the man I want for me

I dont need you to pretend
say words you wouldn't say
I dont want you acting
losing yourself along the way

I wish I could make you see
what I sputter now is true
I love you the way you were yesterday
I love you for you

Fantasy Isn't Enough

I'm in love with you
I thought the truth was clear
don't you see how much it hurts
when your heart isn't here

My heart can't understand
how you could think that of me
why you think you're just a thrill
away from my painful reality

I do admit in full word
you bring the smile to my face
but even after you've driven away
the thought of you keeps the smile in place

I'll also come clean
your touch gives me cold chill
but even as you turn away
my body still hasn't had its fill

I will speak true now
it's a rush looking forward to seeing you
but waiting isn't enough
I always have to get to you

You are not a thrill or game
it's not a way for me to live in fantasy
you are embedded in my heart
a heart beats for you...inside of me

Her Escape
(His View)

Did I imagine it
was it not there
was I a fool
thinking she'll care

Did I play the game
not being aware
she was using me
because too much pain was there

Was it me
that made it so easy
to trample my heart
for thrilled fantasy

I fell hard
for her surviving sake
I played the fool
I suffer the heart break

You're My Reality

I sit and daydream
that is true
and the subject
is always you
it doesn't mean
you're my getaway
I want to run to you
because you'll hold my tears away
I think of you dreamy
I'll admit that too
it doesn't mean I settle
for the fantasy instead of you
I need you close
I need you next to me
can't you see baby
you are my reality

I'm In Love

Each day is a new adventure
when I lay in the arms of you
it doesn't mean it's the thrill
that makes me come back to you

Maybe it's your touch
making me feel warm inside
or maybe it's how you make me feel
the real me doesn't have to hide

It could be your way
of making me feel complete
or how the world of pain fades
whenever I feel your body heat

It is very possible
that it's just because you're you
the reason I keep coming back
is because I'm in love with you

It's Friday We're In Love

Monday we were strangers
hid from the outside
waited until midnight
then laid in our arms and cried

Tuesday we were tested
but overcame the tears
crawled into each other
to hide from the fears

Wenesday we got a little wild
squeezed every last drop of the day
lived it to the fullest
as if someone would take it all away

Thursday we pushed and pulled
broke off our little deal
tried to convince ourselves
that our love is anything but real

Friday again, here we are
push has came to shove
but there is no denying
It's Friday we're in love

| Peg Kay \\ 7/02/2004 |


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